Saturday, March 22, 2014

Weighing-In and Documenting It

Stepped on the scale today. I am down 135lbs since September 2013!
  My RNY (Gastric Bypass) was December 26th 2013. I lost 80lbs before surgery on my own from September to Christmas and then it slowed down after surgery... I am 12 weeks out and 55lbs down since the procedure.
The long picture I posted below shows my before on the far left, while the middle one was taken the night before my surgery. The far right is the last week of February. Yes, it was the day I turned 35... I still went to the gym on my birthday. LOL! Because these pounds are not coming off with excuses!  I also Iincluded myself being goofy with one of my old 4X shirts and what I am hiding under it.

  One thing I really regret on this whole weightloss journey is that I was so damn stubborn that I did not listen to those who told me I should record EVERYTHING. I was so ashamed of my size and weight that I hid from cameras at all costs. I never wrote down my measurements and it is not something anyone can ever go back to recover. That size Kimberly will never be seen again! I know only a few facts. I have gone from 375lbs to 240. I went from a tight size 34 pants to a loose 18 in the last 6 months. I no longer wear a men's 4X t-shirt but can now fit a women's XL. But, due to my issues I will never know exactly how many inches I have lost on my thighs, how many inches I have trimmed from my waist or the overall inches I shed. I only know the few facts I do, because, I was forced to be weighed weekly in classes preparing me for surgery and the clothes I recently had to try on when my clothes went from baggy to walking around wearing a tent.

   I know detailed and methodical record keeping sounds crazy but it goes way beyond the pounds. There will come a time when that evil scale stares back at you with the same hideous number day after day after day..... but, these records will save your sanity! Remember me talking about Non-Scale Victories?  Well, these numbers sweeten the deal! Dispite the scale saying your diet and exercise routine are not paying off, you can look at where you were and how far you have came! Not just being dependent on the scale. So, writing everything down has it's advantages. I am just late in the game..... but, I will accept my error and start now. 

  Like I have said before, I am NO expert in weightloss. I only know what I have been taught and what has worked for me. I speak from my experiences and have for the first time been strong enough to lay it all out for the world to see. If you are needing information on keeping records and what to do with them, you are always welcome to message me. But, I did look up a few websources for you:

And then there is even an online source to help you enter it and save to the site.... just go to

So, this brings me to the end of a rather short post tonight. I am working on the whole picture issue I have, as well as trying to get the numbers I need to help me over the next plateau. 

 I wish you all the best of luck! Goodnight!


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