Friday, March 14, 2014

NSV: Non-Scale Victories

  After talking to several people today about NSVs I realized some people need a little more information about the concept. What is a NSV? Or non-scale victory? Basically, the little things that come along with weightloss that are not just numbers on the scale. I admit I obsess over the number of pounds I have lost or not lost in a week. My whole day can crash down if it says I haven't lost anything. This is an issue I am working on and I know I am not alone in this battle. But, a dear friend who has been in my shoes explained NSVs to me and it is helping ease that tension I feel when I go to weigh myself.
  I have been criticized by a few friends, co-workers and family members because they don't understand my changes. Not just the weightloss but my whole lifestyle change. They want me to be the huge, miserable person I had been for my entire life. I am inclined to say sorry, yet, truth be told, I am NOT sorry! I had blood pressure so high it was life threatening. I have 3 beautiful children that need their mother. And I was on a path that would have taken me away from them too soon. This world is not made for a size 34, 375 pound woman. I was always tired, in pain and unhappy. I now spend at least 2 hours a day working out. Improving my life. If you don't get that or understand it, I feel bad for you. I refuse to apologize for my new life. I am still and always will be the loving person who will do anything to help. I just am redoing the packaging! I am now healthy and happy! These top my list of most important NSVs but there have been a number of others that have also been amazing. I have lost 125 pounds in a short amount of time and have at least another 75 to go. However,  if I focus on that number send only that number,  I will lose my freakin' mind! I have had SO many little successes along the way that have kept me going. like doing from that size 34 to a loose 18. Not where I ultimately want to be but much closer than where I started 5 months ago! 
  So, I have put together a list of Non-Scale Victories that I have either achieved, have almost got crossed off my list and ones I am still working on. NSVs are both public and private accomplishments that people choose to share or keep to themselves. So, as you read my list you may say to yourself, "that one is dumb, that one is superficial,  that one is more important" or even "I never thought of that one....." But, this list is not all inclusive either. I did not put these in any particular order since your priorities most likely vary from mine. I wish you luck in your NSVs and if you want to share yours with me, I absolutely would love to hear them! You can message me on Facebook or leave a comment here. Either way, I will be more than happy to celebrate them with you. Now, on to the list!

Common Non-Scale Victories
♥ I can cross my legs for the first time in years
♥ I can wrap a normal size bath towel all the way around me
♥ Lost all my chins except one
♥ Discovered I have cheek bones and a collar bone afterall
♥ Learned it is possible to eat just one Hershey's Kiss and not half the bag
♥ Went to buy clothes in a normal clothing store and I can fit things inside the store besides socks!
♥ I can wear boots that go over my calves and not just to my cankles
♥ No longer waste a quarter tank of gas driving around the parking lot to get a close spot, I prefer to park way out away from other cars and carts
♥ Have been told I am an inspiration!
♥ Getting a better nights sleep/no longer snore
♥ Can fit in a normal sized chair with arms and don't need on oversized lawn chair
♥ Painted my own toe nails
♥ My shirts have shrunk from a men's 4X to a women's XL
♥ Excited about running in my first 5K, second and third and.....
♥ No longer hiding from the camera, instead, now offering selfies to the world
♥ Able to do an actual sit-up without my belly in the way
♥ Finally can hold a plank that doesn't involve my knees
♥ Look forward to a workout after a tough day instead of running to my bed and food
♥ Having to resize my ring, AGAIN
♥ Bending over to tie my shoe instead of sitting on the bed and bringing my foot up to me
♥ Tears of joy when your child can wrap their arms all the way around you for the very first time
♥ No longer sending your child after something, you go get it yourself
♥ Standing up like a normal person without heaving yourself off the couch or needing someone to pull you
♥ Taking stairs doesn't leave me gasping for air. So, I skip the elevator by choice
♥ Never dieting again, I eat to live now. Not live to eat.
♥ Increased energy and stamina
♥ Growing stronger and lifting more weight with ease
♥ Clothes are loose or even falling off
♥ Can wear a belt and it can be seen!
♥ Adding color to my wardrobe instead of using black for it's "slimming qualities"
♥ My thighs no longer rub together with enough friction to start a forest fire
♥ No longer "the fat one" of the group
♥ Better sex life
♥ Normal bloodpressure
♥ Reaching a healthy BMI
♥ Feet no longer hurt and back doesn't ache
♥ Sugar addiction no longer controlling you
♥ Realizing you now sweat from a good workout and not from just walking around the house
♥ Increased confidence
♥ Taking a picture of my whole body and not just my face from a flattering angle
♥ Hitting mini-goals like:
                    1,000 hours of purposeful physical activity
                     Ability to complete 30 minutes on the elliptical straight
                     Finally being able to run or jog for 2 miles without walking
♥ Finding a workout buddy and meeting them every week
♥ Joining a new fitness class and being able to keep up the entire hour
♥ When I realized an evening walk with my family sounds better than a movie
♥ Keeping up with my children instead of them waiting on me every few feet

  Like I said, this list by all means is far from complete. But, it serves as an example of what a Non-Scale Victory is. It means you are winning your fight in more ways than by the number that pops up on the scale. You are more than the pounds you lug around. So too are the victories we achieve and should celebrate!


  1. Hell Kim, I don't think I can do some of those things. Congrats and thanks for the list

  2. This is an awesome list girlfriend and you ARE an inspiration. I also love that you used little hearts for your bullet points! Love ya, Malinda
