Sunday, November 9, 2014

Detours and Roadblocks

  I swear I have more roadblocks and detours pop-up in my way the more I try to plan and become focused! UGH! The more I try, the tougher my path gets. I know, I am whining right now but just trying to prove the point that I DO HAVE ISSUES TOO! I have never ever claimed to be an expert or to have all the answers when it comes to motivation, schedule juggling and just life in general!
  I recently challenged myself to lose 50 pounds in 100 days.... now I am down to only 45 days left :( The sad part is for the last 2 weeks (15 days) I have not been able to work out at all! we now have my boyfriend's 6 year old and 8 year old living with us which made us rearrange our schedules. But, to add to the new chaos, I got REALLY sick! Sick as in , I have had 2 surgeries in the last week and have more in the next week!!! Meaning NO GYM FOR KIMBERLY!!!! and for the next month at least! SO MUCH FOR MY GOAL BY CHRISTMAS :(
  But, that does not mean I am giving up completely. Truth be told, while laying hooked to IVs for 4 days I actually had time to think about my new plan of attack! I can't lift more than 15 pounds for the next 4 week, so between that restriction and the un-Godly pain I am in, I am very careful about pushing my limits for the foreseeable future. Yet, I am oddly inspired to make 2015 really count!
  I have planned several new blog posts to write on over the next few weeks.... why have I not posted while off work you ask? Well, truth be told I was depressed and slept alot to get through the endless days of pain. But, I am managing now and have even returned to work! So, I am going to start my research on my next post about Dehydration. Might even get it posted today! I have battled dehydration for the last year and have spent several days in the hospital because of it. I am being vigilent and trying to reverse the affects it has on my life and body as soon as possible. I will keep you posted. I mentioned have several other blog posts planned.These will cover topics from Meal Plans, Recipe De-Construction, Fitness Challenges, BMI, Food Politics and everything in between. So, my hope is that there will be SOMETHING in all my ramblings you can find benefit in.
  So, why did I call this short post Detours & Roadblocks? Well, it is the clearest way to describe the situation.... The road may contain Roadblocks making your original destination bumpy to get to but you can absolutely overcome it! Detours are when your path has been blocked and something is in the way of obtaining your goals, so you just have to regroup your thoughts and find a different way to obtain the results you are looking for. May mean going about the situation from a completely different frame of mind and opposite direction. Like not being able to go to my classes and do a strenuous workout for months but using minor weights and diet changes to keep on path all togther :) 
  So, I am off to knock over some of the annoying little orange and white cones telling me to slow down! Heck! They are still worth 15 points each and I am keeping score!

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