Saturday, September 13, 2014


  Superfoods... are they real or not? Even after a year of watching my diet and struggling with hitting my goals when I want to hit them... I have questions about what is real and what is not. Everyone out there is still looking for that magic pill to dissolve fat, the secret ingredient to slim the waist and that hidden food in the market to give us that super model image (which by the way is airbrushed!) So, I continue my research and try to sort fact from fiction and find what works for me. Which is where the search for information on "superfods" came from.
  There are NO such things as Zero Calorie Foods. They just do NOT exist! So why my thoughts were turned to inspect the claim that some foods are superheros in desguise.
   Heck, looks like I get to be the bearer of bad news yet again.... even Wikipedia has the "it doesn't exist" view! Which surprised me... not sure why. But, it did.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia they state under the term Superfood "Superfood is a marketing term used to describe foods with supposed health benefits. Blueberries, a so-called 'superfood' that actually does not have unusually dense nutrient content. The superfood term is not in common use by dietitians and nutrition scientists, many of whom dispute that particular foodstuffs have the health benefits often claimed by advocates of particular superfoods." The site also went on to quote information on the European stance as well which i found interesting. They apparently do not allow their citizens to have a bunch of marketing ploys distracting them from the truth on what they are buying and consuming. What I am talking about is the June 29th 2007 article found on BBC News saying "Superfood 'ban' comes into effectSales of blueberries have gone up 132% in the last two yearsProducts claiming to be superfoods will be banned under new EU rules coming into effect on Sunday - unless the claim can be proved.Blueberries, salmon, spinach and soy have all been hailed as so-called superfoods - foods rich in nutrients.Some say superfoods can protect against cancer and heart disease, but others say there is no evidence for this.The new laws will apply to all food or drink products made or sold for human consumption within EU nations."
The site for the European Food Information Council says it rather well, "Despite its ubiquity in the media, however, there is no official or legal definition of a superfood. The Oxford English dictionary, for example, describes a superfood as “a nutrient-rich food considered to be especially beneficial for health and well-being”, while the Merriam-Webster dictionary omits any reference to health and defines it as “a super nutrient-dense food, loaded with vitamins, minerals, fibre, antioxidants, and/or phytonutrients”. Generally speaking, superfoods refer to foods — especially fruits and vegetables — whose nutrient content confers a health benefit above that of other foods. " If the dictionaries can't even agree on what the defintion should be, the we sure the heck can't take a for-profit business's word for it! That's my opinion, based on years of being told if I didn't know what something meant I should go look it up in the dictionary.... LMAO! I had several mean teachers I would never argue with! 
  They are not saying the so called superfoods like blueberries and spinach are bad for you, by any means. Compared to most American diets they are super choices. But, what the English are brave enough to point out is the outlandish claims put forth by companies to sell products need to be reigned in and held accountable. You can not survive on just berries alone. So, what makes a sane individual think they can drink a berry based "cleanse" only for a week and not have some kind of negative response. Yes, you will lose weight but that isn't because of some special fruit or ingredient! It's common sense. If you cut out all the crap from your diet and restrit your intake of needed daily vitamins and minerals you are also (in most cases) restricting your calorie intake at the same time...hence, the weightloss. Hell, have an upset stomach for several days and don't eat, you will drop pounds too! Niether way is healthy. Especially for a sustained amount of time.
  It all comes back to something Americans have real issues with - self control. It is pounded in our heads from an early age to gourge ourselves on sugar, get the BIG drink, get more for your money. Then we are morbidly obese as adults and look for a quick solution or substance to ingest to make years of poor decisions wash away. Nope. Sorry.
 I know it's confusing especially in our online lifestyle where we read blogs for information (LOL) and go to WebMD for consultaions instead of picking up the phone and calling a nutritionist. But, even between the lines of the article
10 Everyday Super Foods, WebMD says they are not special but still good choices "Eaten regularly, these foods will help you satisfy the recommendations of the U.S. government's 2005 Dietary Guideline, giving you nutrients that are typically missing from American diets. According to the Guidelines, Americans need to eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products.Of course, experts are quick to point out, this list of top 10 super foods by no means includes all the nutritious foods that should be part of a healthy diet."
  So, It all really comes down to choices. Pick wisely. Moderation and self contol. Nuts are good for you but an entire pound of them is defeating the purpose of your "choice" because of the amount of fat they contain. Everything we eat has a good side and a bad side. You want your children to learn good habits, i would hope. So they do not struggle like you when they are older. But, putting it on their plate and making it a huge ordeal instead of an everyday occurance is not going to help either. If they don't eat it, what good is it going to do when they will never choose it.
  Eat the blueberries, eat the kale, eat the spinach if you like it. But eating something just because it's labeled as "super" does not change your tatse buds! If you force yourself to eat something you really despise, you are only setting yourself up for failure.
  Just food for thought.

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