Monday, September 15, 2014

50 Pounds in 100 Days

Well, we are officialy 100 days away from Christmas. I really do not buy into all the sales and commercialized holiday mess but there is something about the holidays that drives people. Some it motivates them to help others and reflect on a year of struggles and blessings.... while others, are just driven crazy. LOL. Some are bitter, hateful, rude and just obnoxious because they can blame it on the season. Other individuals will throw all their ambition and little self-control to the wind so they can stuff themselves like the fat Thanksgiving Day turkey. Then as New Year's Day comes around they start to sober up and through the hangovers vow to live a whole new life for the coming year. The gyms are then packed for the first few weeks until the masses work off the poundage they packed on under their winter layers. So, we have 100 days to plan parties, read crayon scrawled wish lists and decide how we will spend our remaining days of 2014.
While you debate your next move between the anxiety filled thoughts now racing through your head.... I have already decided what I am going to focus on. I am choosing to mark it as 1 year since I had Gastric Bypass surgery. I started my weightloss journey 12 long months ago. Starting with my diet, adding excersize then ultimately having surgery. Like all decisions, it comes with the good, the bad and the ugly. But, i can't go back and change anything. Only reset my focus and reestablish my goals. I am not waiting for January 1st. I am starting now. I was forced by surgeon's orders to take time away from the gym but now I am back and ready to go.
  I have decided to give myself a personal challenge. 50 pounds in 100 days. Now do not go freaking out on me! I lost 80 pounds in 3 months this time last year. So, I know it can be accomplished. It will be a hell of a lot harder this time, since i fight fatigue and dehydration regularly. But, that does not detour my ambitions in the least. I am technicaly only 40 pounds away from my goal now but it does not have the ring to it that "50 Pounds in 100 daays" does. I will not be an unhealthy weight if I drop 50 pounds but I will have met and exceeded my personal lifetime goal and my challenge goal if I can pull it off. Now, to me, that sounds like a better way to end 2014!!!! Just a thought.
  So, my plan.... first and foremost is diet. I am going back to my basics. I was instructed to eat outside the normal diet because of lacking nutritional needs. However, I have since had blood work done that shows I am no longer "starving" and so I need to show my self discipline by going back to my simple but highly effective diet. I will be focusing on fresh fruits and vegetables and getting in my protein shakes daily. While making sure I have a completely balanced diet. I do NOT want to end up in the hospital again!
  Second on my plan is to re-insert myself in the gym 6 days a week. I can't believe how exhausted I feel. I miss having the gym as my daily routine. I am easing back into it and it may take awhile before I work up to 13 classes a week like I was doing before but my initial goal is daily. Taking Sundays as a recovery day. I need to sit down tonight and look at all the classes in relation to my new work schedule and see what I can work in. I may only be able to fit a few classes in but cardio and weights are just as fun.
  The third and final piece to my plan is rewards. I have NEVER given myself rewards before but this time the ballgame is completely new. I have decided that I will reward myself with Girl's Nights Out, New Clothing that actually fits my body (no more of the hiding under yards of fabric to hide my shape) and the occasional No Sugar Added Ice Cream :)  May not sound like much to you, but my close friends and family know this is a big step for me. I am quick to criticize my failures and not recognize my accomplishments. Well, I already stated I am working on the new me.... inside and out.
  I guess there should be a fourth part to my plan. MY BLOG! I believe in the power of accountability. By broadcasting my intentions to the world and putting it down in writing I truly believe I will achieve more than if I kept my goals to myself. I don't believe in setting myself up for failure. I want to give myself every single advantge I possibly can but that does not mean I will take the easy way out by any means. Just means I will have people watching me and my every move. Some will be those rude, self people I spoke of in the beginning...they will ony be watching to see me fail. While my true friends will be there cheering me on and be there at the celebration party!!!
  Yep! You just read that right! For the first time ever I am going to throw myself a party! Once I hit my goal or goals in this case, we are going to PARTY!!!! Better get ready! Because I am!

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