Monday, May 5, 2014

Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate

  The benefits of dark chocolate... no, I didn't stutter! In my hunt for higher  calorie but still healthy foods I ran across a bunch of information on dark chocolate. I LOVE dark chocolate! I can not have all the sugar in milk chocolate but I am fine with that because the slightly bitter, silky smooth dark chocolate is the stuff my dreams are made of. Hehehe
  Add my predisposition for the yummy treat and then tell me it has healthy benefits?  You had me at hello!
   In one article on about the study conducted by Dr. John Finley, Ph.D at Louisiana State University, "explained that cocoa powder, an ingredient in chocolate, contains several polyphenolic, or antioxidant, compounds such as catechin and epicatechin, and a small amount of dietary fiber. Both components are poorly digested and absorbed, but when they reach the colon, the desirable microbes take over. "In our study we found that the fiber is fermented and the large polyphenolic polymers are metabolized to smaller molecules, which are more easily absorbed. These smaller polymers exhibit anti-inflammatory activity," he said.Finley also noted that combining the fiber in cocoa with prebiotics is likely to improve a person's overall health and help convert polyphenolics in the stomach into anti-inflammatory compounds. "When you ingest prebiotics, the beneficial gut microbial population increases and outcompetes any undesirable microbes in the gut, like those that cause stomach problems," he added. Prebiotics are carbohydrates found in foods like raw garlic and cooked whole wheat flour that humans can't digest but that good bacteria like to eat. This food for your gut's helpful inhabitants also comes in dietary supplements."
  Lord knows I get sick frequently, so, if chocolate will help my tummy....give me more! But, as I read I uncovered belly benefits is not where the benefits end.

  Information in the article Scientists Probe Dark Chocolate's Health Secrets from March 31, 2014 where they state there are actually quite a few health benefits!
"A wide range of accumulating scientific research has linked its consumption to over 40 distinct health benefits.8 While most of you have heard about the importance of antioxidants, a primer might help, beginning with the explanation that the formation of free radicals in your cells can damage your DNA to the point that your risk of developing diseases like Alzheimer’s, heart disease, and cancer are elevated.This is why the antioxidant polyphenols in chocolate are so valuable, as they have the ability to stop free radical-mediated oxidation. This helps to decrease your risk of those and other diseases by directly interfering with one of the major preventable causes of chronic degenerative diseases.Chocolate also contains other potent plant “chemicals,” including anandamide, named after the Sanskrit word for “bliss,” which is a neurotransmitter in the brain that temporarily blocks feelings of pain and anxiety. The caffeine and theobromine in chocolate have been shown to produce higher levels of physical energy and mental alertness, and there are likely many more healthy chocolate compounds that have yet to be discovered. The following table highlights just some of the benefits conferred by the cocoa bean."
♡Anti-thrombotic, including improving endothelial function
♡Lowers Alzheimer's risk
♡Anti-diabetic and anti-obesity
♡Reduction in C-reactive protein
♡Cardioprotective, including lowering blood pressure, improving lipid profile, and helping prevent atrial fibrillation
♡Improved liver function for those with cirrhosis
♡NeuroprotectiveImproves gastrointestinal flora
♡Reduces stress hormones
♡Reduces symptoms of glaucoma and cataracts
♡Slows progression of periodontitis
♥Improves exercise endurance
♡May help extend lifespan
♡Protects against preeclampsia in pregnant women"

  Now, if heart health, brain function and a happy tummy are not enough for you.... how about for us self-centered individuals who are constantly admiring ourselves in the mirror? says that dark chocolate also has beauty benefits! Beauty Benefits of Dark Chocolate by Lisa Schweiter summarized Kristin Kirkpatrick, R.D., M.S., Wellness Manager for Cleveland Clinic's Lifestyle 180 program, and YouBeauty Nutrition Advisor's work..... "According to Kirkpatrick, dark chocolate relaxes blood vessels, which in turn reduces blood pressure. Several studies suggest that it may also be a feel-good treat that increases production of mood-enhancing neurotransmitters.Dark chocolate also helps combat beauty’s public enemy number one: Stress. Cocoa helps reduce stress hormones, which means less collagen breakdown in the skin, and fewerwrinkles.Flavonols (the type of flavonoid found in chocolate) help your skin look its best. Flavonols are antioxidants that help your skin protect itself from UV damage (hello, fewer wrinkles) fight free radicals (so long, sun spots) and increase blood flow (i.e. dewy glow!).In one study, flavonols in dark chocolate even improved skin hydration and thickness—both mega important for young-looking skin."

  Whatever your reason, I know I have mine. Purely for the health benefits, I SWEAR! LOL! Just keep in kind MODERATION! Too much of a good thing is still bad. Too much sugar, too processed, too high in fat, etc. Try to get as basic or organic as possible so you're not killing all the benefits. I plan on getting off my blog and enjoying a single Hershey's Special Dark Chocolate mini piece..... it fits into my insane diet pretty well. So, good evening and Enjoy!

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