Sunday, February 16, 2014

Getting My Excercise Routine Back

  It has been 7 weeks since my internal organs were cut up, rearranged and stapled back together. And to think I am frustrated at not being back in the gym "full time"! LOL! But, times are changing! FINALLY! The last Tuesday I had to have another minor procedure (EGD/scope) that fixed some complications I had from surgery. Now that I can actually eat food my energy level is returning. So, my excuses are over! I will be back in the gym non-stop. Already started the journey!
I am planning ahead so I can make my schedule work.....
Here is my tenative schedule of hour classes on top of my regular workout and being back at work 40 hours a week:
Sundays - regular machines and cardio
Mondays - Yoga
Tuesdays - Zumba and Tai Chi
Wednesdays - Zumba and Muscle Pump
Thursdays - Tai Chi, Zumba Express and Pilates
Fridays - TRX Bootcamp and Zumba
Saturdays - Core Express and Water Tabata

  I will admit my legs are KILLING me today! But, it's Sunday and my easy day..... so I will live. LoL!  If anyone wants to join me for any of my classes let me know! I will let you know the time and place and see if it works for you :) I thought I would share something educational again as I finish up this post.....

15 reasons why physical activity increases successful weight management (as provided by Via Christi Weight Management)
1. It burns calories
                         ● During the weight loss phase, excercise will increase your rate of weightloss.
                         ● During weight management,  excercise allows you to eat more without weight gain. It also becomes a buffer against old eating styles.

2. Metabolic benefits
                         ● Excercise helps you maintain a lean body mass when your calories are restricted. Excercise increases mitochondria (power plants) in muscle
                             tissue as well as enzymes responsible for breaking down fat.  Excercise can counteract the slowdown in metabolism that has been reported to
                             be a consequence of dieting.
                         ● Excercise improves dietry-induced-thermogenesis response.

3. Improves physical health
                         ● When your physical health improves,  you will probably be more highly motivated to maintain your weight loss as well as making increased
                             excersize more possible.

4. Improves cardiovascular fitness
                         ● Decreases heart rate
                         ● Decreases blood pressure
                         ● Increases stroke volume
                         ● Increases vascularity
                         ● Increases elasticity of blood vessels
                         ● Increases peripheral circulation
                         ● Increases diameter of major blood vessels, therefore, it decreases the influence of cholesterol deposits in the blood vessels
                         ● Improves lipid profiles
                         ● Decreases triglycerides
                         ● Decreases cholesterol
                         ● Increases HDL levels, therefore, improving cholesterol/HDL ratios

5. Improves stress response
                         ● Less dramatic bodily responses to stressful situations, particularly physical stressors.
                         ● Improves oxygen uptake
                         ● Leads to increased energy and vigor

6. Improves insulin sensitivity
                         ● Increases the number of insulin receptors.
                         ● Improves glucose tolerance. Exercise is a good procedure for managing both juvenile and adult onset diabetes.
                         ● Reduces insulin requirements in consistently excercising diabetics (under medical supervision)

7. Improves quality of life

8. Increases excercise tolerance

9. Decreases cardiovascular risk, especially at more than 2000 calories each week

10. Improves management of osteoporosis

11. Improves muscle and joint flexibility
                         ● Improves arthritis (unless overdone)
                         ● Increases range of range of motion as one ages
                         ● Improves strength and endurance
                         ● Decreases fatigue

12. Decreases the "symptoms" of aging

13. Improves mental and emotional health
                         ● Decreases anxiety levels
                         ● Decreases depression
                         ● Improves stress responses; relieves stress
                         ● A socially acceptable way of getting rid of anger and frustration
                         ● May possibly influence the aspect of the type A personality (hostility) that is related to increased chronic heart disease risk
                         ● Improves cognitive functioning, decision making and creativity

14. Increases sense of self control and self-mastery of their weight management

15. Improves one's body image

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