Tuesday, January 14, 2014

This is My Story

My name is Kimberly and this is MY story. 
 I don't pretend to be an expert. I just know what finally worked for me after a lifetime of battling my weight. I have bounced between being thin for brief periods of time to being obese for most of it. I have had eating disorders and moments of complete misery that brought me to where I am now. 
 At my biggest, I topped the scale at 375 pounds. August 2013 was the turning point. After turning my life upside down to change my diet and become a workout junkie (we are talking minimum of 2 hours every single day at the gym)... in 4 months I dropped 80+ pounds!  But, it was not enough. 
 I went through all the testing, psych evalutations and lifestyle classes to be approved for Gastric Bypass Sugery. On December 26th 2013 I underwent the surgery and now I am starting a new chapter! As of today, it has been 18 days since surgery and recovery is slow. I am 8 pounds away from the 100 pound loss mark and I am not giving up now! I have dropped from a size 34 pants to a 22. My shirts have gone from a 4X to a 2X. 
 Right now I am taking baby steps while recovering but the fun is about to begin! 
 This Blog was at the request and support of my friends. It is MY journey, that hopefully can inspire someone else.

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of you, Kim. Keep up the good work, but never forget that you have TONS of people rooting for you and we're always here when you need us. I love you seester (:
