Monday, January 20, 2014

My Groundhog Moment

  Today can best be described as my Groundhog Moment. I had a follow-up with my surgeon this afternoon and just like when the groundhog sees his shadow on February 2nd and we can expect 6 more weeks of winter, such is my life. Well, I am now facing at least another 3 weeks off work. Thus, today was my Groundhog Moment. I am not quite through my winter phase of recovery but spring is coming.
  I have been battling nerve pain since waking up from gastric bypass surgery. I have tried several pain meds and besides upsetting my stomach and inducing vomiting (which really SUCKS when you have staples in your stomach) the meds have done nothing for the pain. They did give me pain patches but it intensified the nausea and vomiting to the point I ended up in the hospital for 8 hours last weekend, ugh! So, I am back to square one.
  I do not regret my procedure at all. That being said, I despise the side effects though. I have struggled from day one with balancing the 60 grams of protein I have been told I need daily and the 64 ounces of water. It seems overwhelming when you can only take an ounce or two at a time and it makes you feel ill if you push it. I have been frustrated that I haven't been allowed to work out until I hit my numbers. Well Ladies and Gentlemen,  I have finally hit my numbers!! Despite being sick.
  I GET TO WORK OUT! Granted it isn't going to be the level I was a month ago before my insides were rearranged.  But, I get to work out! Happy dance! I get to add machines slowly as long as it isn't pulling, twisting or straining my middle. Limits a lot of options. I have a plan. Carry my nausea meds with me and hit my classes. I am starting out with Tai Chi and Water Tabata. Less impact but will get my heart rate up. I am still debating on which machines I can start with since all the good workouts use your core muscles. So, arms and legs will be my focus first.
  I have to now go choke down a hideously nasty liquid antibiotic and grotesque liquid nausea medication..... I feel SO sorry for little kids taking medication. It is disgusting! I am so glad my the kids all take pills now.  I dont think I could subject them to this crap anymore. LOL.
  So, even though this is my Groundhog Day, the bright side is a few extra weeks to stay covered up under layers give me a few extra weeks to rock the work out and stop the pounds.  When the warm spring weather comes,  I will be ready!

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