Monday, August 25, 2014

I'm Back! (Photos Enclosed)

  I have changed my entire life on the last 365 days.... Yesterday marked the one year point that I had decided to give up soda, change my diet and start working out daily! And now I am only 49 pounds away from my goal! That means I have gone from 375 pounds to 199! WooHoo!
  I also changed jobs and separated after 13 years of marriage with even more changes are coming! I will also be posting to my blog again. Sorry for the 2 month hiatus! Just had an overhaul on my world. That being said..... This post is just a photo update!
  Thank you to all my supporters. I can't express my gratitude!
But, to those backstabbing, two-faced individuals that have nothing better than to run your mouth and bash me every chance you get..... go fuck yourselves! I am doing this for ME and your opinion does not mean shit! Take your jealousy, insecurities or whatever drives you to be so unhappy and go kick rocks!

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