Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Protein Shakes

  Part of the diet I started following before my surgery was in preparation for life after Gastric Bypass. But, it did help in a variety of ways to drop those pounds before the surgery. When I started cutting out meals and using a protein shake as a substitute I started feeling better and the poinds started coming off. I followed the diet guidelines so as I started testing out protein powders it would be one I could have later. Some that I tried were absolutely disgusting! There are SO many out there that try pretending they are good substitutes but they are crap! The problem is most of them have way too many grams of sugar and very little protein.
  Example: Ensure Clear Therapeutic Drinks, Mixed Berry flavor. 6.8fl oz has a whopping 200 calories with 27 grams of sugar!  For only 7 grams of protein. Makes the other nutrients not count for much because in order to in the required 60 grams of protein,  the sugar content and high calories cancel out any benefits.
  Protein is essential to the body for healing after surgery or injury as well as hair and nail growth. Granted body builders load up on protein because it is important to build muscle mass, but, during rapid weight loss adequate protein is required to maintain your muscles. Yet, my driving force is my desire to keep my hair! Signs of inadequate intake is hair loss, brittle nails and slow wound healing. ALL of which I would like to avoid! Plus, when you get in the protein it allows you to lose fat. Another win.
  While the amount of protein needed daily is based on ideal body weight it varies by person too. Stress to the body increases the requirements but my surgeon set the requirement at 60 grams daily. Sufficient protein of the "right kind" of protein is essential. This kind of protein are called "complete proteins" because they contain all the amino acids needed by the body. They primarily come from eggs, milk, milk products, meat, fish, and poultry. There are proteins found in grains and vegetables but these do not count. 
  Looking for complete proteins can be a job in itself when using protein shakes. What you should look for will be listed as Whey Protein Isolate or Soy Protein Isolate. I have found only 2 brands that are not gross tasting. I like the pre-mixed Premier Protein and the Nectar mixes. The Premier, I found at Sam's for about $20 for a case of 12. They are very handy when out and about and hunger strikes. Hungry, busy people make bad choices when driving down a street lined with fast food joints. Anyway, the Chocolate Premier Shakes meet the limits of no more than 3 grams of sugar per 100 calories. They are 11 ounce containers, with 160 calories, 30 grams of protein and only 1 gram of sugar!
  Now, I recently received a shipment of Nectar packets. Each with 23 grams of the right kind of protein and ZERO sugars! Lactose and gluten free. Only 100 calories per packet! There are 15 flavors for me to give a try.
Pink Grapefruit
Twisted Cherry
Strawberry Kiwi
Fuzzy Navel
Caribbean Cooler
Roadside Lemonade
Apple Ecstasy
Crystal Sky
Wild Grape
Lemon Tea
Double Stuffed Cookie
Strawberry Mousse
Vanilla Bean Torte
Chocolate Truffle

  I better get to drinking! I have been sick this week and have not been getting in all that I am supposed to..... so, bottoms up! I got some catching up to do!

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