Sunday, October 12, 2014

No Gym? No Problem!

No Gym? No Problem! 
  Gym memberships can be awesome or an awful burden.  Especially if you're still full of maybes,  gonnas, and planning on its.... paying for a membership to a place you never go isn't smart and you'll start seeing it as a burden.  I actually am the proud member of 2 gym systems....3 if you count the livingroom. I have been a member of the Wichita YMCA for over a year now and a couple days ago joined Genesis. Between the two I can fit in classes and trainer appointments around my mid-day work schedule. I am ensured to get a well rounded workout 7 days a week with the new Group Centergy class at Genesis to my favorite Zumba class with my friends on Monday nights. It is how I keep from burning out. I try to stay diligent and keep my workouts fun and challenging instead of a chore I have to add to my few free hours each week.
  I will be posting soon about how my new classes are going and I do have a buddy pass for 3 months if anyone wants to join me at Genesis! But, this post is actually about working out when you don't have a gym or you would rather try things at home.
  You do not need fancy equipment to get a good workout. Everything around your house can potentially be used as a piece of equipment! I will give you some examples:
A sturdy chair can be used for legs, arms, shoulders, back and chest.
Open floor space can be used for everything from basic stretching to Yoga and Pilates to more vigerous activites like mountain climbers and burpees.
The wall can be used for strengthening muscles and support by simply doing wall sits or standing push-ups.
  This may have started your brain working and that is what I am going for! Now add a family size soup can to each hand and do lunges across the kitchen or raise them up above your head 25 times lowering them to your sides with straight arms.... it hurts after awhile! They say you have to have a heavy duty machine to feel the burn? NAH! Just don't forget dinner on the stove as you raid the pantry for more workout equipment! That burn makes your eyes water. LOL!
  Some people may be completely lost at this point because they are visual people. I completely get that! So I will include a bunch of posters of these work outs at the end of my post so yu can referrence them for ideas to get your little home gym going!
  In the meantime, I thought I should go over some other workout ideas other than just targeting specific body parts. What I mean is you do not have to be killing yourself with a bunch of crunches or push-ups. You can also enjoy more exciting activities that give you an awesome workout but is not so tedious and boring... I absolutely LOVE Zumba! Every instructor is different. So, I was going 5 times a week to 4 different ladies because each workout was so different. Now, I am going just 4 times a week when my schedule allows. Hehehe. In the spirit of the "home gym" we are discussing remember you can go onto Youtube and search for Zumba. This will bring a plethora of videos for beginners to advanced routines. The bonus is you can pause to catch your breath and rewind to get the moves down. In my classes I will admit I have stood there like an idiot going "ah, heck no" when I could not make the connection from my eyes, to my brain to my feet on new moves.
  Sometimes fast just is not in the cards after a long day at work. I completely feel you on that! So, I would recommend yoga or pilates. There again are workouts available online for free or for $20 you can get great DVDs from the store to add to your library at home. I have done both. Especially after surgery, when a class was not going to work, a self-paced workout makes you feel accomplished and you are already making advances for your health and mental well-being just by trying.
  So, ever have those days where you are bursting with energy but it is raining or cold and you can't get outside? Me neither. LOL! But, seriously I do have a million times more energy than I have ever had in my ENTIRE life. I seem to build up more energy when I get into my workouts as well. Afterwards I may be exhausted but trust me when I tell you it is a different type of tired than the tired you feel from just sitting around all day. WAY different! For those days when you do have that little extra energy to give and want to make it count, try looking up videos like taebo, yoga sun salutations, or more advanced zumba routines. Better yet.... break out the freakin' Xbox Kinect and pop in Dance Central WITH THE KIDS!!!!! We have had so much fun dancing in the livingroom together! There are also some GREAT games for the Wii you can try. Everything from bowling to jumping cows!
  The point to this entire post is you do not have to spend a fortune to be physically active! Sometimes life gets in the way and the gym isn't  an option. JUST MOVE! Without getting into all the calories per hour vs this movement vs that movement mumbo jumbo.... just remember, the more you move, the more you burn, the easier it gets and the more you can do. You did not pack on the pounds over night! You are not going to lose them overnight either!
  So, please remember, No Gym? No Problem. Let me know what ideas you come up with!!!! I LOVE creative ideas and the do-it-yourself mentality :) Not everyone thrives on a trainer standing over them shouting orders and telling them to work harder. I even enjoy the success I achieve when no one is looking. Just the satisfaction of knowing I beat my last time, went a little further then I did before and pushed harder than I ever thought possible. These things can be achieved in your own livingroom. I belive in you!

Now about those posters I promised you.... I found 100s! So, if you are wanting more I have most of them saved on my Pinterest page for Diet and Excercise. But, I can always post more on Facebook or even send them to you in a message. Just let m know what you are looking for and I will be happy to help :) Goodnight all!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

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