Thursday, October 23, 2014

The Power of Protein!

  Everywhere you look packages on the store shelves are advertising "now with __grams of protein!" But, do you honestly understand why you need protein?  How much you should get daily? That there are different types of proteins and what kind you should be consuming? So, tonight we are going to break it down and make it a little easier to desifer the world of protein power!
First off, what are the benefits of a protein rich diet? Or maybe the better question is why do we need protein? According to the For Dummies site, they break it down pretty well by saying, "Protein is an essential nutrient found in animal products, nuts, and beans. The name protein name comes from the Greek word protos, which means “first.” Your body uses proteins in your diet to build new cells, maintain tissues, and synthesize new proteins that make it possible for you to perform basic bodily functions."
  I read an article on the United Healthcare site  Do High Protein Diets Cause Weight Loss? By Kathleen Zelman, MPH, RD, LD "Adding extra protein to your meals may be the answer to successful weight lossLow carb diets have fallen off the radar screen but interest in pumping up dietary protein is robust. Awareness of protein as a weight loss aid is due to the emerging research on its hunger-satisfying properties. Emerging science has shown that protein may be able to satisfy hunger better than either fats or carbohydrates. Eating a diet rich in low fat or lean protein may be the answer to help you eat fewer calories and lose weight by keeping your hand out of the cookie jar.
Studies on protein
Scientists at Aberdeen's Rowett Research Institute have shown that a high protein, low carbohydrate diet is most effective at reducing hunger and promoting weight loss, at least in the short term."
  However, like in all aspects of our lives, too much of a good thing can have ill side effects. Advantages & Disadvantages of Consuming a Lot of Protein By Maia Appleby, NASM-CPT, Demand Media puts it simply by saying "consuming too much protein can cause health problems, including high cholesterol, gout and kidney disease." That article also says, "Most of the disadvantages to consuming large amounts of protein are due to problems with meat consumption. Replacing these foods with plant-based proteins such as beans and legumes reduces your risk associated with the saturated fat and cholesterol content of animal-based protein. Because plant-based sources are not as rich in protein, you would have to eat large amounts of them to maintain a high-protein diet; this may prevent you from getting adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals found in other foods."
  So, what are the different types of proteins? "There are different types of protein with different purposes. This article on will shed light on 7 types of protein, which are best and when you need it." And in the article WHAT TYPE OF PROTEIN IS BEST FOR YOU? 7 FORMS GET BROKEN DOWN! by Matt Weik, it explains them all...." Log onto and do a search for Protein... What do you find? A list a mile long of different brands of protein. This article isn't focusing on the brand, more so on the type of protein. Yes, I said "type".Some of you might not know there are different types of protein with different purposes. Heck, there might be a few people out there who have never even looked at theingredients on a tub of protein.This article will shed some light on the subject and break down what type of protein you need and when. Timing and the right type of protein is the key when looking for the best results.
Whey concentrate is one of the most basic forms of protein that is found in many protein tubs on the shelves of supplement stores. People who are looking for an inexpensive protein source will find tubs of strictly whey protein concentrate with a lower price tag.This is a great starting point for beginners and those looking to add protein to their diet without making your wallet lighter. Some people will find though that they have a hard time digesting the concentrates and will end up feeling a little gassy and bloated.Whey concentrate can be used both pre and post workout and can also be used as a snack in between meals. This is not a preferred source of protein to be used at night.
If you are looking for a protein that will slowly breakdown over the course of several hours that you can use as a meal, or better yet right before you go to bed then casein protein is definitely the way to go. Before bed if you take in casein protein you will stay anabolic throughout the night and will be able to utilize the protein in your body.Casein takes anywhere from 5-7 hours to fully breakdown which keeps your body absorbing and utilizing the nutrients even while you sleep. People also use casein during the day to help stay full and to keep a constant supply of protein in your body to supply the muscles with proper nutrition for hours after drinking the shake.
Another positive to this source of protein is its high glutamine content. Glutamine helps boost the immune system and speed up recovery. This is the preferred source of protein to use at night before bed.
Isolates are one of the quickest absorbing proteins (but not the quickest-we will get to that soon enough). People will find this source of protein to be a bit on the expensive side (more-so than whey concentrates), but not near as expensive as the protein we will be touching on next.These proteins are perfect for those with low carb diets. Many of the protein tubs on the market these days that are strictly whey isolates have very low if any carbs/sugars. Isolates are great pre and post workout as they are absorbed quickly and can supply the muscle the nutrients needed to help recover and grow.
Hydrolysate protein is the most expensive source of protein you will find on the markets these days and is the highest quality of protein available. They provide highly absorbable peptides that can have a great anabolic effect (highest absorption rate of the proteins available).Hydrolysate protein is also much better on the digestive system compared to whey concentrates. This protein can be used both pre and post workout.
Soy protein (even though not a huge seller for bodybuilders) is a good source of protein for those looking for a vegetarian source of protein. This is a useful source of protein and comes with many benefits to its user. It is loaded with glutamine (to help with recovery),arginine (help dilate blood vessels to allow nutrition to get into the muscles quicker), andBCAA's (help with recovery).Soy supports a healthy cholesterol profile due to the isoflavones found in the product. It has also been found to boost thyroid hormone output. By doing so, it speeds up themetabolism which aids in fat loss. This type of protein can be used both pre and post workout or anytime throughout the day if needed to get in a meal/snack containing protein. This source is not preferred to use at night.
Milk protein isolates contain both casein and whey proteins. This source is full of amino acids (similar to soy protein). This type of protein is mostly used in a blended protein source where multiple types of protein are used. Milk protein isolates are not a preferred choice if looking for a protein but can be used anytime during the day, but is not a preferred source to use at night.
Now we are going back old school-to a place where protein powder was nonexistent. Egg whites (whether separated from the yoke or found in a container) are an excellent source of egg albumin. The amino acid profile on these are great and has been used since back in the day to help build lean muscle mass.Egg albumin is not commonly bought in the powder form, but rather bought in a carton or container and cooked. Many blended protein sources as well as meal replacements will have egg albumin in them. This source of protein can be used anytime throughout the day, but is not a preferred source to use at night.
So as you can tell there are many different options of protein for you to choose from. My personal recommendation is start with something simple like a whey concentrate and see what results you get with that before you start buying something like the hydrolyzed protein where you will be spending considerably more money.Some people find concentrates give them great results and stick with that. Some people are lactose intolerant so they need something like a whey isolate.Whatever you choose, give it some time to give you results. Protein isn't a "feel" type of supplement-meaning unlike a stimulant, you aren't going to see and feel results immediately. Give it at least a month and then evaluate your results and go from there."
  Now, I am not here to tell you what to take or how much you should be getting in daily. I know I have been told personally by my nutritionist and surgeon that I need a minimum of 60 grams of protein daily. And my list has been shortened greatly to include only "complete" proteins like those found in meat, dairy, eggs, soy protein isolate or whey protein isolate. Sure, I could count the grams of protein found in other foods that are not considered "complete" but they are missing essential amino acids and I need to make mine count! Inadequate amounts of protein can affect even non-surgical weightloss people,. It appears in signs like, hair loss, brittle nails and slow wound healing. Also, as you lose weight, if your protein levels are deficient you will lose muscle mass instead of fat! No thank you!
  So, going back to what I learned in months of classes before surgey, you can increase your protein intake without choking down nasty protein shakes.  Granted, I like mine but I get that not everyone likes them. So, give these a thought:
●Double Milk - 8oz of milk and add in 1/3 cup dry powdered milk
●Add whey protein isolate or soy protein isolate powder to recipes
●Eat an omelet, scrambled egg or low-calorie yogurt
●Cottage cheese for a snack
●Spread tuna or chicken salad made with a hardboiled egg and low calorie mayo on low fat crackers
●Try tofu for meatless Mondays
●Use soy crumbles as a ground beef alternative
●Mix low fat refried beans with low fat shredded cheese
   I found an excellent site called the which says "There are plenty of reasons to eat more meat-free meals: They’re nearly always cheaper, lower in calories, and better for the environment. It’s easy to get enough protein without eating animals, but the doubters often have another concern: Are these meat-free protein sources complete?  The term "complete protein" refers to amino acids, the building blocks of protein. There are 20 different amino acids that can form a protein, and nine that the body can’t produce on its own. These are calledessential amino acids—we need to eat them because we can’t make them ourselves. In order to be considered “complete,” a protein must contain all nine of these essential amino acids in roughly equal amounts.Yes, meat and eggs are complete proteins, and beans and nuts aren’t. But humans don’t need every essential amino acid in every bite of food in every meal they eat; we only need a sufficient amount of each amino acid every day. Most dieticians believe that plant-based diets contain such a wide variety of amino acid profiles that vegans are virtually guaranteed to get all of their amino acids with very little effort. Still, some people want complete proteins in all of their meals. No problem—meat’s not the only contender. Eggs and dairy also fit the bill, which is an easy get for the vegetarians, but there are plenty of other ways to get complete proteins on your next meatless Monday." Click on the link for some great recipes and food options you may not have even known existed!
  Let me know what you think or if you have ANY questions, please hit me up! Goodnight!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Sugar Addiction or Just a Sweet Tooth?

Sugar addition or just a sweet tooth?
  If you have ever thought about how much sugar you are eating and tried to cut back, you have most likely been subject to some pretty intense cravings. I recall what it was like when I decided to kick my caffiene habit... ugh! It sucked! I recently started looking into sugar addictions and the side effects of too much sugar. I have 3 children, ages 16, 13 and 12. They are junk food junkies any chance they get. Mostly because they think I am depriving them of a normal childhood because our home is almost all "health" food. I know I can not have much more than 3 grams of sugar per 100 calories otherwise I suffer from some ill effects. But, if you take a look at the average American consumptions of sugar filled foods and soft drinks.... the quantities are out of control!
   According to, they quoted Cardiologist Dr. Mehmet Oz, MD, as saying "The average person consumes 150 pounds of sugar per year–compared to just 7 ½ pounds consumed on average in the year 1700. That's 20 times as much! When typical slightly overweight people eat sugar, they on average store 5 percent as ready energy to use later, metabolize 60 percent and store a whopping 35 percent as fat that can be converted to energy later.Interestingly, 50 percent of the sugar we consume today comes from high-fructose corn syrup in fat-free foods like salad dressings and regular soft drinks." 
  "The World Health Organization is dropping its sugar intake recommendations from 10 percent of your daily calorie intake to 5 percent. For an adult of a normal body mass index (BMI), that works out to about 6 teaspoons -- or 25 grams -- of sugar per day.Many people don't realize much of the sugar they take in are "hidden" in processed foods, according to WHO. A can of soda may contain up to 10 teaspoons or 40 grams of sugar. A tablespoon of ketchup has 1 teaspoon of sugar." Per the article titled World Health Organization lowers sugar intake recommendations from March 5th 2014.
  So, do you have any idea how many grams or teaspoons you are actually getting everyday? It can be tricky to calculate the actual amounts but honestly most people just don't care. They really don't! They make excuses like "I drank only 3 diet sodas today, so eating this will be okay" SparkPeople pose the quesion "Why Should You Care? Is Sugar Actually Bad for You? Well, aside from the increased bulge around the waistline, diets high in sugar are strongly linked to an increased risk for type 2 diabetes, elevated triglycerides, low HDL (good) cholesterol levels, and heart disease. Sugar intake has also been linked to depression, migraines, poor eyesight, autoimmune diseases (such as arthritis, and multiple sclerosis), gout and osteoporosis. Recent research has shown that a high intake of carbohydrates, including sugar, releases a feel good chemical in the brain called serotonin. Think of how you feel after indulging in a high sugar meal or treat—almost euphoric, right? The high of a sugar rush is temporary though. After a few hours—or even a few minutes—you start to crash and you become tired, fatigued and lethargic.Although sweet foods are tempting and delicious to most people (blame Mother Nature for that!), the more sugar you eat, the higher your tolerance becomes. So if you have a strong sweet tooth or intense cravings for sugar, chances are not that you were born that way, but that your dietary habits and food choices created the sugar monster you may have become."
  I have even found websites that compare Sugar to cocaine! There was even a interesting video on called "What's Worse For Your Brain: Sugar Or Cocaine?" By Abigail Wise from May 7th 2014. I included the link so you can watch it if you want. But the articles I found state sugar is 8 times more addictive then cocaine! That thought is scary to me!
  I have excellent self control when I comes to sweets (not bragging, just stating a fact) I don't frantically search through cupboards in a desperate attempt to fill my face with something sweet when i am stressed. However, I do still enjoysweets but, I have learned that I honestly enjoy a juicy pear or strawberries over a chocolate bar. Yet, I do keep sugar free candies on hand as a tiny reward or when my children have polished off all the fruit in my home.  I have done a good job of educating my children on healthy choices and for the most part it has stuck. LOL! But, I will admit school lunches are undermining my attempts.... my kids are so ravenous by the time 3:10 rolls around that they often take their money to the gas station around the corner from the school and load up their pockets with candy because they know that they will not find any of it in our cabinets at home. No candy. No soda and only sugar free koolaid for my bunch. I have protein bars I will share but they seem less enthused about eating one.hehehe.
  Do worry about trying to break your addiction cold turkey. Lord knows it is one of those things you developed a taste for over time. It's going to take time to end the hold sugar has on you as well. I did look up some pointers for you.... one such article is called "How To Break Your Sugar Addiction -Understanding sugar's power over you can help to set you free.Published on March 31, 2014 by Susan Biali, M.D.  I will let you click the link and ready it instead of copying it all down on here.
  Basically, I am saying it is something hard to break but very much possible. Just takes time to make your plan and execute it. You can't just jump into it blind. You will need to have a back-up plan as well, being educated and prepared is going to be your best weapon. How many people do you know can stop drugs cold turkey? Without support? Without a plan to be successful? EXACTLY!!! And if what is being said is true about sugar being more addictive than coke.... don't feel defeated if it takes several attempts to finally get the beastly cravings under control! 
  You got this! I have faith in you!!!! I will keep reading up on sugar addiction and how to combat it and post more if you want to hear more on it. So, just let me know! :)

Sunday, October 12, 2014

No Gym? No Problem!

No Gym? No Problem! 
  Gym memberships can be awesome or an awful burden.  Especially if you're still full of maybes,  gonnas, and planning on its.... paying for a membership to a place you never go isn't smart and you'll start seeing it as a burden.  I actually am the proud member of 2 gym systems....3 if you count the livingroom. I have been a member of the Wichita YMCA for over a year now and a couple days ago joined Genesis. Between the two I can fit in classes and trainer appointments around my mid-day work schedule. I am ensured to get a well rounded workout 7 days a week with the new Group Centergy class at Genesis to my favorite Zumba class with my friends on Monday nights. It is how I keep from burning out. I try to stay diligent and keep my workouts fun and challenging instead of a chore I have to add to my few free hours each week.
  I will be posting soon about how my new classes are going and I do have a buddy pass for 3 months if anyone wants to join me at Genesis! But, this post is actually about working out when you don't have a gym or you would rather try things at home.
  You do not need fancy equipment to get a good workout. Everything around your house can potentially be used as a piece of equipment! I will give you some examples:
A sturdy chair can be used for legs, arms, shoulders, back and chest.
Open floor space can be used for everything from basic stretching to Yoga and Pilates to more vigerous activites like mountain climbers and burpees.
The wall can be used for strengthening muscles and support by simply doing wall sits or standing push-ups.
  This may have started your brain working and that is what I am going for! Now add a family size soup can to each hand and do lunges across the kitchen or raise them up above your head 25 times lowering them to your sides with straight arms.... it hurts after awhile! They say you have to have a heavy duty machine to feel the burn? NAH! Just don't forget dinner on the stove as you raid the pantry for more workout equipment! That burn makes your eyes water. LOL!
  Some people may be completely lost at this point because they are visual people. I completely get that! So I will include a bunch of posters of these work outs at the end of my post so yu can referrence them for ideas to get your little home gym going!
  In the meantime, I thought I should go over some other workout ideas other than just targeting specific body parts. What I mean is you do not have to be killing yourself with a bunch of crunches or push-ups. You can also enjoy more exciting activities that give you an awesome workout but is not so tedious and boring... I absolutely LOVE Zumba! Every instructor is different. So, I was going 5 times a week to 4 different ladies because each workout was so different. Now, I am going just 4 times a week when my schedule allows. Hehehe. In the spirit of the "home gym" we are discussing remember you can go onto Youtube and search for Zumba. This will bring a plethora of videos for beginners to advanced routines. The bonus is you can pause to catch your breath and rewind to get the moves down. In my classes I will admit I have stood there like an idiot going "ah, heck no" when I could not make the connection from my eyes, to my brain to my feet on new moves.
  Sometimes fast just is not in the cards after a long day at work. I completely feel you on that! So, I would recommend yoga or pilates. There again are workouts available online for free or for $20 you can get great DVDs from the store to add to your library at home. I have done both. Especially after surgery, when a class was not going to work, a self-paced workout makes you feel accomplished and you are already making advances for your health and mental well-being just by trying.
  So, ever have those days where you are bursting with energy but it is raining or cold and you can't get outside? Me neither. LOL! But, seriously I do have a million times more energy than I have ever had in my ENTIRE life. I seem to build up more energy when I get into my workouts as well. Afterwards I may be exhausted but trust me when I tell you it is a different type of tired than the tired you feel from just sitting around all day. WAY different! For those days when you do have that little extra energy to give and want to make it count, try looking up videos like taebo, yoga sun salutations, or more advanced zumba routines. Better yet.... break out the freakin' Xbox Kinect and pop in Dance Central WITH THE KIDS!!!!! We have had so much fun dancing in the livingroom together! There are also some GREAT games for the Wii you can try. Everything from bowling to jumping cows!
  The point to this entire post is you do not have to spend a fortune to be physically active! Sometimes life gets in the way and the gym isn't  an option. JUST MOVE! Without getting into all the calories per hour vs this movement vs that movement mumbo jumbo.... just remember, the more you move, the more you burn, the easier it gets and the more you can do. You did not pack on the pounds over night! You are not going to lose them overnight either!
  So, please remember, No Gym? No Problem. Let me know what ideas you come up with!!!! I LOVE creative ideas and the do-it-yourself mentality :) Not everyone thrives on a trainer standing over them shouting orders and telling them to work harder. I even enjoy the success I achieve when no one is looking. Just the satisfaction of knowing I beat my last time, went a little further then I did before and pushed harder than I ever thought possible. These things can be achieved in your own livingroom. I belive in you!

Now about those posters I promised you.... I found 100s! So, if you are wanting more I have most of them saved on my Pinterest page for Diet and Excercise. But, I can always post more on Facebook or even send them to you in a message. Just let m know what you are looking for and I will be happy to help :) Goodnight all!