Sunday, March 30, 2014

Changing Things Up!

  Well, time for me to change things up! Some of you know I had the most insane schedule at work since last October.  I FINALLY have a NORMAL schedule! Sunday through Wednesday 8am to 7pm! I am completely excited!  Part of this schedule change means no more day time classes during my 7 hours off between split shifts on Tuesdays and Wednesdays but I found a way to rework my classes so I can still get in 11-12 classes each week. Averaging at least 2 hours a day, 6 days a week! Yay!
  Changing up my routine is giving me a couple new, more challenging classes as well as slipping in one day dedicated to machine and cardio workouts, which I had been missing. According to a website (one of many) I read articles on.... changing up your routine is recommended.  This particular site is and this article titled "Why You Should Change Up Your Workout Routine Daily" sums it up in a simple way. Without telling you what they think you "must" do! So, I included it below:

Why You Should Change Up Your Workout Routine Daily

If you would like to know whether you need to change up your workout routine, the simple answer is affirmative. However, in order to fully understand why you need to do so, you will have to find out about how your body reacts to exercise. Sticking to the same routine can be very convenient, but at some point, this routine may not give you any results, so you need to shake things up. Changing the workout routine can be a motivator and may make things more interesting for you.

Why You Should Change Up Your Workout Routine

Finding an exercise routine that you like doing and are able to do may take a lot of time and dedication, and you may think this routine will help you get rid of all your excess weight. In the beginning, you may notice that you're shedding pounds and the exercise routine pays off. However, after a few months, you may start to stagnate at the same weight, even if you do the same amount of exercise and you stick to your dietary restrictions. The reason for this is simple: with the repetition of the same type of workout, your body will get used to the exercise routine and will consume less energy.If you change up the exercise routine, your body will be continually challenged and it will burn more calories, resulting in a more successful weight loss. In addition, you can avoid repetition and boredom. Many people will quit their workout routine due to boredom or lack of results. The change can be made in the intensity of the workout or in the type of workout. You may also increase the time spent working out.

How Often to Change Up Your Workout Routine

Some experts believe that it can be helpful to change up your workout routine on a daily basis and perform a different type of workout each day. However, even if you change your routine once every two or four weeks, you may see better results than if you maintain your regular routine unaltered. Your body will have to work harder and you will also avoid repetitiveness.

How to Change Workout Routine

To change up your workout routine, you will need to get creative or talk to your trainer. For instance, if you're running, you will have to add a few sprints, change your route, choose steeper routes or make abrupt stops for some other types of exercise.If you work out in a gym, you can change the equipment you use. If you spend 30 minutes on a stationary bike, you can increase the intensity of the workout by adding speed, or you can spend 10 out of the 30 minutes on a treadmill.You will have to challenge your body on a regular basis, so that it won't get used to the routine and get lazy, burning fewer and fewer calories.

So, here is my new plan..... as always, you are welcome to join me whenever you can!
MONDAYS - Yoga 7:30pm-8:30pm @ North YMCA
TUESDAYS - Machine and Cardio Day 7:30pm-9:30pm@ North YMCA
WEDNESDAYS - Zumba 7:45pm-8:45pm @ East YMCA
THURSDAYS - Tai Chi 10:30am-11:30am @ Downtown YMCA (optional class)
                              Zumba Express 12:00pm-12:30pm @ Downtown YMCA
                              Bosu Body 12:30pm-1:00pm @ Downtown YMCA
                              Cardio Craze 5:45pm-6:30pm @ South YMCA (new class type!)
                              Pilates 6:45pm-7:30pm @ South YMCA
FRIDAYS - TRX Suspension Training Bootcamp 11:00am-12:00pm @ North YMCA
                      Muscle Pump 4:30pm-5:30pm @ North YMCA
                      Fierce 5:30pm-6:30pm @ North YMCA (new class type!)
SATURDAYS - Zumba 10:00am-10:45am @ North YMCA
                             Core Express 10:45am-11:15am @ North YMCA
SUNDAYS - Rest Day..... isn't that what this day is known for anyway? LOL!

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Weighing-In and Documenting It

Stepped on the scale today. I am down 135lbs since September 2013!
  My RNY (Gastric Bypass) was December 26th 2013. I lost 80lbs before surgery on my own from September to Christmas and then it slowed down after surgery... I am 12 weeks out and 55lbs down since the procedure.
The long picture I posted below shows my before on the far left, while the middle one was taken the night before my surgery. The far right is the last week of February. Yes, it was the day I turned 35... I still went to the gym on my birthday. LOL! Because these pounds are not coming off with excuses!  I also Iincluded myself being goofy with one of my old 4X shirts and what I am hiding under it.

  One thing I really regret on this whole weightloss journey is that I was so damn stubborn that I did not listen to those who told me I should record EVERYTHING. I was so ashamed of my size and weight that I hid from cameras at all costs. I never wrote down my measurements and it is not something anyone can ever go back to recover. That size Kimberly will never be seen again! I know only a few facts. I have gone from 375lbs to 240. I went from a tight size 34 pants to a loose 18 in the last 6 months. I no longer wear a men's 4X t-shirt but can now fit a women's XL. But, due to my issues I will never know exactly how many inches I have lost on my thighs, how many inches I have trimmed from my waist or the overall inches I shed. I only know the few facts I do, because, I was forced to be weighed weekly in classes preparing me for surgery and the clothes I recently had to try on when my clothes went from baggy to walking around wearing a tent.

   I know detailed and methodical record keeping sounds crazy but it goes way beyond the pounds. There will come a time when that evil scale stares back at you with the same hideous number day after day after day..... but, these records will save your sanity! Remember me talking about Non-Scale Victories?  Well, these numbers sweeten the deal! Dispite the scale saying your diet and exercise routine are not paying off, you can look at where you were and how far you have came! Not just being dependent on the scale. So, writing everything down has it's advantages. I am just late in the game..... but, I will accept my error and start now. 

  Like I have said before, I am NO expert in weightloss. I only know what I have been taught and what has worked for me. I speak from my experiences and have for the first time been strong enough to lay it all out for the world to see. If you are needing information on keeping records and what to do with them, you are always welcome to message me. But, I did look up a few websources for you:

And then there is even an online source to help you enter it and save to the site.... just go to

So, this brings me to the end of a rather short post tonight. I am working on the whole picture issue I have, as well as trying to get the numbers I need to help me over the next plateau. 

 I wish you all the best of luck! Goodnight!


Sunday, March 16, 2014

Kimberly's Kitchen - Revised Italian Turkey Sausage with Peas Pasta Dish

  My family has this recipe my kids love, however, it is not close to being healthy. So,  I sat down and revised the recipe to lower the calories, fat, and sugar content while raising the protein. But, most people in this country follow the "if it doesn't taste good, I will not eat it" philosophy.  I am very proud to say I accomplished my mission. The kids went back for seconds and I dropped the numbers I was intending to while bringing the protein up!  Here is how it breaks down per serving and this recipe makes 8 total.
     Original Recipe  vs.  Kimberly's
Calories            611  vs.  355
Fat                      39g  vs.  12g
Sugar                 15g  vs.  6g
Protein               15g  vs.  25g

Kimberly's Revised Italian Turkey Sausage and Peas Pasta
Serves 8
1 pound of Italian seasoned ground turkey
2 TB extra virgin olive oil
4-5 TB Italian seasoning
2 cloves of garlic, minced
12oz frozen peas
2 cups Fage brand no fat Greek Yogurt (more depending on how creamy you like it)
4 TB I Can't Believe It's Not Butter Spray (spray only!)
4 TB grated Parmesan Cheese blend
1 pound Rigatoni pasta

Prepare pasta per package directions and set aside. In skillet,  saute garlic and  Italian seasoning in olive oil. Add in ground Italian seasoned ground turkey and stir until fully cooked. Add in peas and allow to simmer approx. 5 minutes.  Mix in the prepared pasta and add butter substitute.  Remove from heat and fold in the Greek yogurt. Note: If yogart is added to soon, it may separate and curdle. Dish is NOT ruined but just does not have the creamy white sauce texture.
Sprinkle lightly with the parmesan cheese upon serving.

Friday, March 14, 2014

NSV: Non-Scale Victories

  After talking to several people today about NSVs I realized some people need a little more information about the concept. What is a NSV? Or non-scale victory? Basically, the little things that come along with weightloss that are not just numbers on the scale. I admit I obsess over the number of pounds I have lost or not lost in a week. My whole day can crash down if it says I haven't lost anything. This is an issue I am working on and I know I am not alone in this battle. But, a dear friend who has been in my shoes explained NSVs to me and it is helping ease that tension I feel when I go to weigh myself.
  I have been criticized by a few friends, co-workers and family members because they don't understand my changes. Not just the weightloss but my whole lifestyle change. They want me to be the huge, miserable person I had been for my entire life. I am inclined to say sorry, yet, truth be told, I am NOT sorry! I had blood pressure so high it was life threatening. I have 3 beautiful children that need their mother. And I was on a path that would have taken me away from them too soon. This world is not made for a size 34, 375 pound woman. I was always tired, in pain and unhappy. I now spend at least 2 hours a day working out. Improving my life. If you don't get that or understand it, I feel bad for you. I refuse to apologize for my new life. I am still and always will be the loving person who will do anything to help. I just am redoing the packaging! I am now healthy and happy! These top my list of most important NSVs but there have been a number of others that have also been amazing. I have lost 125 pounds in a short amount of time and have at least another 75 to go. However,  if I focus on that number send only that number,  I will lose my freakin' mind! I have had SO many little successes along the way that have kept me going. like doing from that size 34 to a loose 18. Not where I ultimately want to be but much closer than where I started 5 months ago! 
  So, I have put together a list of Non-Scale Victories that I have either achieved, have almost got crossed off my list and ones I am still working on. NSVs are both public and private accomplishments that people choose to share or keep to themselves. So, as you read my list you may say to yourself, "that one is dumb, that one is superficial,  that one is more important" or even "I never thought of that one....." But, this list is not all inclusive either. I did not put these in any particular order since your priorities most likely vary from mine. I wish you luck in your NSVs and if you want to share yours with me, I absolutely would love to hear them! You can message me on Facebook or leave a comment here. Either way, I will be more than happy to celebrate them with you. Now, on to the list!

Common Non-Scale Victories
♥ I can cross my legs for the first time in years
♥ I can wrap a normal size bath towel all the way around me
♥ Lost all my chins except one
♥ Discovered I have cheek bones and a collar bone afterall
♥ Learned it is possible to eat just one Hershey's Kiss and not half the bag
♥ Went to buy clothes in a normal clothing store and I can fit things inside the store besides socks!
♥ I can wear boots that go over my calves and not just to my cankles
♥ No longer waste a quarter tank of gas driving around the parking lot to get a close spot, I prefer to park way out away from other cars and carts
♥ Have been told I am an inspiration!
♥ Getting a better nights sleep/no longer snore
♥ Can fit in a normal sized chair with arms and don't need on oversized lawn chair
♥ Painted my own toe nails
♥ My shirts have shrunk from a men's 4X to a women's XL
♥ Excited about running in my first 5K, second and third and.....
♥ No longer hiding from the camera, instead, now offering selfies to the world
♥ Able to do an actual sit-up without my belly in the way
♥ Finally can hold a plank that doesn't involve my knees
♥ Look forward to a workout after a tough day instead of running to my bed and food
♥ Having to resize my ring, AGAIN
♥ Bending over to tie my shoe instead of sitting on the bed and bringing my foot up to me
♥ Tears of joy when your child can wrap their arms all the way around you for the very first time
♥ No longer sending your child after something, you go get it yourself
♥ Standing up like a normal person without heaving yourself off the couch or needing someone to pull you
♥ Taking stairs doesn't leave me gasping for air. So, I skip the elevator by choice
♥ Never dieting again, I eat to live now. Not live to eat.
♥ Increased energy and stamina
♥ Growing stronger and lifting more weight with ease
♥ Clothes are loose or even falling off
♥ Can wear a belt and it can be seen!
♥ Adding color to my wardrobe instead of using black for it's "slimming qualities"
♥ My thighs no longer rub together with enough friction to start a forest fire
♥ No longer "the fat one" of the group
♥ Better sex life
♥ Normal bloodpressure
♥ Reaching a healthy BMI
♥ Feet no longer hurt and back doesn't ache
♥ Sugar addiction no longer controlling you
♥ Realizing you now sweat from a good workout and not from just walking around the house
♥ Increased confidence
♥ Taking a picture of my whole body and not just my face from a flattering angle
♥ Hitting mini-goals like:
                    1,000 hours of purposeful physical activity
                     Ability to complete 30 minutes on the elliptical straight
                     Finally being able to run or jog for 2 miles without walking
♥ Finding a workout buddy and meeting them every week
♥ Joining a new fitness class and being able to keep up the entire hour
♥ When I realized an evening walk with my family sounds better than a movie
♥ Keeping up with my children instead of them waiting on me every few feet

  Like I said, this list by all means is far from complete. But, it serves as an example of what a Non-Scale Victory is. It means you are winning your fight in more ways than by the number that pops up on the scale. You are more than the pounds you lug around. So too are the victories we achieve and should celebrate!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

I HAVE LOST 125lbs! Accountability for your goals.

  I weighed myself twice today because I could not believe what the scale said! So, at work in the gym I timidly stepped up and thought "no way, I have been sick and haven't been giving 110% at the gym" so later while at YMCA I again ventured over and stepped up.... I AM OFFICIALLY DOWN 125 POUNDS SINCE SEPTEMBER 2013! That's a little over 5 1/2 months but feels like a lifetime ago!
  When I decided at the end of August that I wanted to get healthy I knew I was in for a rough ride. I lost that initial 80 pounds so fast (only 3.5 months) but surgery slowed it way down. I lost only 45 pounds in the last 2 months and a few days..... but, I never have given up, got burnt out or wanted to quit. Despite all the not so supportive individuals out there that have said I would. GEE THANKS! It still bugs the crap out of me how I have been accused of taking the easy way out by having surgery. BITE ME! That's me saying it nicely. You watch every single thing you eat or drink the rest of your life and tell me how damn easy it is! The second thing the gets me are the people who actually said to me that they were against me having the surgery because they liked me just the way I was. Fat, miserable and tired? I suppose some thought they were being helpful, but, honestly you fueled my anger and pushed me harder. So, thank you to the self centered individuals that wanted me to stay fat so you could feel better about yourself.  Your part of the reason I will not fail. This is not about being skinny.... I want to be healthy. Try wrapping your head arpund that one. Hmmmm?

  So, part of what has helped me is holding myself accountable.  Not placing blame on others for my poor decisions, not skipping workouts when my children got tired of swimming all the time while I work out....I set my own schedule and keep to it as much as possible.  It is the only way I will achieve my goal of another 75 pounds.
I found on the website a really nice article about accountability called "11 ways to hold yourself accountable for your goals"
It was not letting me link it for some reason so I copied it because I think it is a good place to start. As well as a simple way to get over those inevitable slumps where you question your drive and inner strength.  So here is their FABULOUS list.....

11 Ways to Hold Yourself Accountable for Your Goals

1. Tell someone
Share your goals with your:FriendsFamily membersCo-workersOnline support groupTherapistShare your goal, how you will achieve it, and by when. Sometimes the simple act of telling somebody what you will achieve and knowing they might ask you about it will push you to achieve it.

2. Schedule check-ins
Have someone follow up with you daily, weekly, or monthly via:PhoneEmailTextFacebook message (or other form of social media)You’re more likely to do something when you know someone is going to follow up with you about it.

3. Go public
Use social media to share your goals and progress:Post your goal on Facebook.Share weekly or monthly updates on Twitter.Start a blog about your weight loss journey.Keep a video diary on Youtube.Instead of worrying about people judging you, think about the encouragement you might receive and the people you could inspire.

4. Keep a food journal
A food journal is a good way to hold yourself accountable for what you eat. For additional accountability, commit to showing somebody your food journal at the end of each day or week.If you know you have to record what you eat, you may decide against that big piece of cake or other temptation. A study of 1,685 overweight and obese adults showed the more days a week they kept a food journal, the more weight they lost. 

5. Join an organization
Join an organization such as Weight Watchers and commit to attending weekly meetings and weigh-ins. 

6. Join a team challenge
Join a weight loss challenge. Many gyms, communities, hospitals, and companies offer health and weight-loss related challenges.Joining a team challenge can provide friendly competition, accountability, and also a network of people who are striving to achieve the same or similar goals. These are also people you can keep in touch after the challenge is over.

7. Recruit a workout buddy
Make plans to exercise with somebody. Set a specific day, time, and location for your workout. You’re more likely to stick to your exercise plan when you know somebody is relying on you. 

8. Hire help
Hire a personal trainer, dietitian, or weight loss coach. Knowing you have paid for an appointment with someone (and usually with a cancellation fee) can help you keep your appointment and follow through with any ‘homework’.This can get expensive so be sure you plan other forms of accountability once your sessions are up.

9. Sign a contract
Write up a contract. State your goals, how you will achieve them, and the rewards or consequences of achieving them (or not). Sign your contract to make it official and have a friend, family member, or accountability partner witness it.

10. Put money on the line
Commit to paying a friend, family member, or co-worker a designated amount of money if you don’t achieve a particular goal.Give a friend a certain amount of money and earn it back as you achieve the goals you set. If you don’t achieve your goals, your friend gets to keep the money.You can put anything on the line; it doesn’t have to be money. You can put housework, babysitting, movie tickets, lottery tickets, or anything else on the line. Find something that will motivate you to achieve your goals.

11. Sign up for a race
Sign up for a 5k, 10k or any other race/event.Registering for an event can provide motivation and accountability to start or stick to an exercise plan. If you don’t train for it, you might not be able to complete the race.Signing up with a team provides additional accountability to train so you don’t let your team down.

  What did you think? I personally have done 8 of these suggestions. Before I even read this article! They really do work! There are a million websites and even more gimmicks out there telling you to take some product and without changing a thing you will drop the pounds. Complete BS! There is no magic pill! Heck, even having my insides cut apart, rearranged then stapled back together has not made my weightloss efforts any easier. In fact, I would go as far as saying it has hindered my progress! Having to battle dehydration, fatigue and my body thinking it is needing to stay in starvation mode 24/7 because I can not keep from throwing up everything I eat, has without a doubt made exercise much more exhausting. But, I am keeping myself accountable for every calorie, every minute of physical activity and my progress to my goal. If I don't no one else is going to!
  I, however, have not had to face this journey completely alone. I have a wonderful group of friends that work out with me, some of my family has been encouraging, and my co-workers have started one-by-one jumping on this wagon as well. We are a force to be recond with when you bring crap food into our area. LOL! So, as I learn more and grow in the knowledge my brain soaks in from everything I read (which is a lot) I share it with those that want to hear it and put it out there in case someone else wants to glance at it later.

♥Another great article on this same website explains the benefits of having a support team to reach your goals. It is listing put 10 reasons to have one..... so, I included the link in case you want to take a peak.

  Well, it is getting late and I have 3 classes at 2 different YMCA branches in a few hours, meaning I need to wrap this up and get some sleep! Remember, I am here if you need me. I will be your biggest cheerleader and shoulder to cry on when things are seemingly out of reach.
                                                            You have a wonderful night!